Fountainhall Church Guild

Motto: Whose we are and whom we serve

Fountainhall Guild has strong membership. We follow the three-year strategy, set by the National Committee of the Church of Scotland Guild and actively support the Guild Projects. Our programme this year has a variety of interesting topics. Visitors are welcome at any of our meetings.

Fountainhall Church Guild

Monday 22 April, 7 pm, at the Centre

The next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting.  After the business part of the meeting, we will share in some fun and musical entertainment, finishing, of course, with a cuppa and a fine piece.

Guild Christmas Party

After a 3-year gap we were delighted to meet this year for our party.  We welcomed Rev. Duncan Eddie who was able to join us.  The Committee entertained us with a game using chopsticks to pick up tiny pieces of marshmallow and place them in a cup - it was very competitive!  Joyce then read us an amusing tale.  As usual the Committee provided a wonderful buffet. Thank you Committee members for such an enjoyable afternoon.  We all appreciated your efforts.